Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I call them my family,

Why people say that they have families,but i always raise a question my self that What is a family,who make a family and Is it possible to build a family?

IN RWANDA,my Beautiful Country

That is a part of Kigali,Le Capitale Du Rwanda,Most people know that Rwanda is a smallest Country but some of them don't know that is a Clean Country.
Do want to know more about it?Just Visit it.

In Burundi


I am also a Member of Arise Africa,and under that programme i happened to Visit BURUNDI accompanied by my partner Mr Peniel , we visited the Schools in Burundi,we also met different People.In my trip i lent more about Climate

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Denyse from the field for training

My Foot ball Team from Baden Powell aged 12-17

Baden Powell is a school which is full of Orphans,My going there was Just to teach them French but according their skills am training them to have more potential in that they had.

My Football Team( Boys)From Good Hope in Uganda

Me with The Children from Baden Powell who were Number ones in The competion

This Younger girl is called Juliet TIILIWA she is in P5 at Baden Powell and she is very good in sport,She really makes like what i do in sport.In Yellow is called Otema Jonathan,Joe Jackson,Oceng Steven,Besigye Emmanuel.And me down,All from Baden Powell.

Denyse with her Team of Football from Good Hope Infant School in Uganda

This is my team of Foot ball(Girls) between 12-14 age,I got these Children from A school in Uganda Called Good Hope Infant.
This Team has a name according our Vision,It is called African's Star.
We really train very hard to make our dream true.

Baden Powell in Competition

This was The Inter school competition In Uganda and i was there as A Couch from Baden Powel,In 12 Schools we took the 5th place.The Participants from Baden Powell Were 9 in 17 that we took for competition.